“The Democracy is Indigenous Committee was created for the purpose of educating andencouraging our tribal citizens to exercise their right to vote as Native people. Our rightto Vote is sacred, as the Native people of this land we did not yet gain the right to vote inthe United States of America until the year 1957. Make your voice heard this year bymaking your Native vote count!”

“By voting, you are making your voice be heard, and helping to ensure that ourcommunities’ needs and issues are addressed at both a local and national level. Votingis our opportunity as the Indigenous people of this land, to help shape our collectivefuture not only for ourselves but for generations to come.”

2024 Election Year Information
“Make your Native vote count this year at both our State and Federal elections. August6th was our State Primary Election deadline. The next important election date isNovember 5th, 2024, the National Presidential General Election.”
“The deadline for online and mail voter registration is October 28th, 2024! Early votingwill take place from October 18th to November 5th. The deadline for the absentee ballotrequest and return is also November 5th.”
Election Year Q&A
“Am I registered to vote?”
Visit voter.votewa.gov to check your voter registration status.
Where do I register to vote?
Visit vote.gov to find more information about registering to vote.
When will I receive my ballot in the mail?
Your ballot is mailed to you at least 18 days before each election.
Do I need an absentee ballot?
Absentee ballots only need to be requested if you will not be at your registered addressduring the 18 days before an election. You may request an absentee ballot as early as90 days before an election.”