Seattle Supplemental Relief Program
This relief program is now closed and this page is only for archive purposes.
Tlingit & Haida has launched a new supplemental relief program for tribal citizens who are registered to the voting community of Seattle. The Seattle Supplemental Relief Program is part of Tlingit & Haida’s Community-Directed American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) program and will provide $500 per eligible resident & non-resident household (maximum of 2,000 applications).
The new program was developed based on recommendations received from the Seattle Tlingit & Haida Community Council on how best to prioritize and provide meaningful local response to the needs of tribal citizens registered to Seattle who have experienced economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To apply for the Seattle Supplemental Relief Program, you must be an enrolled tribal citizen and on Tlingit & Haida’s official voting list for Seattle.
Apply Online:
For questions on the Seattle Supplemental Relief Program, please call 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7794 or email